
Let us surprise you

With the career possibilities offered by Weatherzone Business

Weatherzone Business is a DTN company and works tirelessly to provide the most innovative and precise weather intelligence to clients around Australia.

We are always looking for bright minds to join our diverse team. We are close-knit and supportive, partial to creating a fun calendar for our hard-working humans, and always thinking collaboratively to find the keys to complex weather questions.

Providing for our customers begins with understanding their unique attributes and industries. We dig deep to uncover their specific operational requirements, and identify where our services can positively support their daily efficiency, safety and output. In delivering the data, we opt for an evolutionary approach, something that grows with each business as we continually move to create innovative weather data solutions.

We don’t do status quo, so if you favour next-generation solutions to complex problems, and have a healthy obsession with the way weather influences the world, we would love to hear from you.

Why wait? Email us.

Powering smarter weather decisions

Weatherzone Business’ parent company is DTN, who bring the most advanced analytics and machine learning solutions to the world of business. DTN’s aspiration is to delight their customers, making their everyday, critical business decisions easy. Their joy comes from witnessing their clients prosper. Together, we can shape the world.

Latest news

Satisfy your weather obsession with these news headlines from around the nation, and the world.

Spring 2024 outlook for Australia: warm and stormy season with increased fire risk

This spring is shaping up to be an unusually warm and stormy season for Australia, with some parts of the country also likely to see an increased risk of fires. Australia has entered spring off the back of its warmest August and second warmest winter on record. The end of winter was also very dry […]

Hydropower season just about finished

The snow coverage across much of Australia’s hydropower catchment area is scarce after Australia saw the warmest August on record, with lake levels also behind what we saw in 2023. This was the scene at Perisher on Sunday morning, September 8. Image: The snow turns to the consistency of mashed potato in the afternoon, but […]

Why Melbourne hit 21°C at 3am last night

Melbourne saw an unusual spike in temperature last night when the mercury jumped to 21°C at 3am, making the middle of the night feel warmer than an average spring day. Thursday night started off warm for this time of year as light northerly winds had the temperature sitting on 16°C at 10pm. The mercury then […]

Moderate flooding, damaging winds and high fire danger today

Yet another cold front will bring renewed potential for moderate flooding in Tas and damaging winds, high fire danger and well above average temperatures to southeastern states in the next 48 hours.    The satellite image below shows the cold front and associated rain and cloud approaching SA, Vic and Tas on Friday morning.  Image: […]